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Why get a Pony and not a Horse?
It really Depends who you are. If you are taller, you might want to get Horse. If you are smaller, you might want to get a Pony. But then again, I don't know what you want! Who knows, maybe you're Tall, but you just want to keep a Pony to care for. Maybe you're small, but you think a Horse is the way to go. There is no specific reason to get a Pony instead of a Horse. Infact lots of people should get Horses instead! It really just depends on who you are. Below there is a Venn Diagram on the differences of Horses and Ponies. With this you can see whether you should get a Pony or Horse.
Differences Between Horses and Ponies
Here is a Venn Diagram I made that shows the differences between Horses and Ponies
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