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You Joined the Club! Congratulations!

Here  I will post things like tips, other websites and videos all about Horses and Ponies.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: unfortunately, the only way to get to this Club Page is to click the "Join the Club" Button every time. I apologize for that, but I'm working on it! 

I would actually Recommend that you check these guys, Crafty Ponies. They do have a Crafty Pony Toy as you see in the picture, although some of their videos are really helpful. Actually, one of them taught me some really important things I didn't know! If you're interested enough, you can visit

When introducing yourself to a new horse, i read that giving them your scent, or breathing into their nose a little, helps them be more interested in you. Try it, and tell me in the ask me questions page if it works!

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